I've moved to the new blog at http://blog.heron.me/.
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Friday, November 4, 2016
談五月天演唱會搶票 - 如何設計更好的系統

- Information Security課講的Authentication, Fraud Prevention:抵制黃牛的記名機制
- Packet Switch課講的Scheduling, Fair Queueing, Routing:公平性
- Scalable System講的load balancing, database consistency, transaction, bandwidth, etc…:大流量系統設計
> nslookup tixcraft.com
Non-authoritative answer:
Name: tixcraft.com
Name: tixcraft.com
Name: tixcraft.com
Name: tixcraft.com
Name: tixcraft.com
Name: tixcraft.com
Name: tixcraft.com
Name: tixcraft.com
- 時間點:人的反應時間比電腦慢超級多,我們頂多可以控制在一秒內送出訂單,但是網路傳輸時間大約是10ms,系統反應時間更少。所以一個使用者要讓訂單在完全準確的時間出現在訂票系統面前是幾乎不可能用手動的。
wget tixcraft.com 0.01s user 0.01s system 16% cpu 0.112 total
- 網路路徑:每個人連到票務系統的路徑是不同的,有的人剛好離系統主機近,所以比較有利,有人比較遠,所以反應速度慢等等,簡而言之,如果我們去看一個個的封包怎麼傳到對方系統的,會發現完全是不公平的,而且也是不應用程式能夠控制的(例如IP是怎麼route過去也是BGP互相同步後的結果)。可以用
traceroute tixcraft.com
In [1]: import random
In [2]: random.seed(555555) # can be picked by Mayday
In [3]: random.sample(set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), 3) # pick three from the set
Out[3]: [4, 5, 3]
- 信用卡可以於第一次登記領號碼牌時候就填上,而被抽到或有真正門票時候系統才刷卡
- ATM轉帳實在是很古老的方式(雖然很多人在用),個人認為想規模化的系統不該用ATM轉帳
- 這篇文章從想法出現到寫完只花了一個小時,若有不周之處請見諒
p.s.對於以上內容感興趣,或想實現的人歡迎跟我聯絡 http://www.heron.me
Monday, August 8, 2016
Pokemon Go 觀察之二三事
相較於一般網路上大家談論的事情,對於這次Pokemon Go的風潮我有以下幾點觀察。
Pokemon Go既然是App,讀取的GPS資料來自於手機系統,於是可以讓系統給予不同的GPS位置達到移動的效果,不用真的出門也可以去很多地方。
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
當兵,讓我別無選擇地,必須空下沒就學或工作自由的一年,但也幸運地空出不少屬於自己的時間。在休息與自我實現之間,我選擇持續走在我的道路上:Build Something People Want。於是,我利用這段時間,先是申請美國碩士,再是閱讀數十本以往沒機會細讀的書、學習各種應用程式開發,還有實作數個作品。
- TOEFL與GRE考試:若不滿意就得接著再考一次的過程,TOEFL必須兼顧聽說讀寫各種面向,還要練習一些考試技巧;GRE則是要從一開始全部選項都看不懂,到後來可以看懂一半選項。為了選擇好的學校,往往分數需要TOEFL高於100分、GRE高於320分
- 學校選擇:從百名內的學校中,一一查看學校網頁,閱讀他們有提供怎麼樣的碩士,與自己的興趣是否相符,然後再從中篩選出適合申請的學校數所。大概需要幾週的時間做這件事情,同時有越多其他人的意見越好
- 文件準備:讀書計畫、履歷、線上申請表與推薦信等,這部分壓力較小,但頗繁瑣,需要反覆確認與修正
- 申請:注意每一所學校的申請截止日期,還有繳費事項等等,接著就等放榜即可
從過往經驗中以及對於未來的想法,我選擇的是唸資工相關的碩士,且希望偏向產業實務導向,更多的相關細節寫在Heron at CMU。學校申請約在12月截止,隔年2月開始我陸續收到CMU, UIUC, UCSD, USC, 和NYU的Admission,最終選擇CMU的MSIT-Mobility碩士。
- Clean Code:程式世界中頗有名氣的一本書,對我幫助甚大,之後在寫程式過程中不斷想起書中的內容,也在AlphaCamp帶領了讀書分享會,那時候準備的講義與作業我編寫成一本電子書,稱之為「Clean Up Your Spaghetti」(把你的麵條式程式碼清理乾淨之意)。
- Learning Linux Binary Analysis:前一年Packt出版社寫信給我,就這麼當了這本書的Reviewer、參與這本書的開發過程,作者是一個對於ELF格式的專家中的專家
- The Practice of Programming 、The Unix Programming Environment:經典程式書籍,特別是一些程式習慣部分值得了解,可惜因為年代差距大,很多已經不合時宜了
- HOOKED:講述人上癮一個產品或服務的原因,其中作者提出The Hook Model包含Trigger、Action、Variable Award與Investment四部分,非常受用,我則把筆記寫在這裡
- The Shallows:作者在書中提出網路世代中,人們漸漸思考深度變淺、專注時間變短等問題,並深入探討其原因和問題,雖說並沒有明確給予一個解答,但非常值得了解,是之前在CMU交換時設計系老師所推薦的書,也是人機介面領域的熱賣書,我的閱讀筆記放在這裡
- The life-changing magic of tidying up:一本極簡主義運用於環境整理的書,在生活中可以反覆用受,我的閱讀心得則寫在這裡
除了這些之外,我還看了其他各種書:「The Art of Photography: An Approach to Personal Expression」、「Seriously…I’m Kidding: Ellen DeGeneres」、「圖解設計師的色彩法則」、「少,但是更好」、「我敢在你懷你孤獨」、「我的不完美」、「為什麼我們這樣生活,那樣工作?」、「將模糊理論說清楚」等等。
2013時候,我看著Stanford CS193P線上課程學習Objective-C語言寫iOS的App,並與朋友上架了一份作品Pitch It;當兵這段時間,我再修了一次這堂課,不同的是這回是Swift語言,接著我跟做音樂的朋友合作,開發上架了ChordBox(一個提供即興創作者和絃靈感的App,支援Apple Watch)。
- PinCafe:一個讓人搜尋台北咖啡廳的平台,可以根據需求輸入搜尋條件,如:有無插座、有無Wifi等
- Ducky - Chat Robot:Facebook Messenger的聊天機器人,設計來聽使用者的心理煩惱
Parse是我非常喜歡的工具,雖然原先Parse.com不再提供服務,我仍覺得Parse是我在製作網頁或App時候最好的工具,於是這段時間我運用Parse寫了不少應用程式,並自己架設Parse Server與Parse Server Dashboard。
- 食時掃讀:Android App,可讓使用者透過掃描商品條碼,得知該食物使否含有有害健康的反式脂肪
- Lens Decider:透過點選喜歡與不喜歡相片的方式,協助攝影愛好者選擇他實際喜歡的鏡頭
Pebble是我每天都會戴著的智慧手錶,它提供的開發環境頗有趣,是C與JavaScript語言,同時還有網頁版可以開發。我則寫了兩個手錶錶面的App上架到Pebble的App Store,至今有上百人下載,而我自己也用這錶面約半年了。
- Count Days:透過手機上的頁面可以設定Dream Day,手錶錶面上會顯示距離Dream Day的天數(寫Pebble Watch與Phone App溝通這部分頗有趣,需要資料型態的轉換、不同程式類別的橋接等)
- Solar Ring:模仿Apple Watch其中一個錶面,以圓圈方式表示太陽當日位置
Kali Tools
Kali Linux是一個提供資訊安全人員做安全測試用的作業系統,上頭已經裝載好很多安全測試的工具,可以對於測試對象執行各種掃描、攻擊等。而我認為透過瞭解這些工具,可以更明白現今比較常見的攻擊原理為何,以及實務面上他們是怎麼被運行的,所以選了常見的工具(我稱為Kali Tools),寫了一系列的文章在這裡。
1 Day, 1 Project
1 Day, 1 Project是一個練習快速發想問題後,並提出、測試、實作原型的工作坊,形式是一天一個作品,總共五天:
- Day 1 - I am Hungry:發送過剩的食物給需要的人之發想與探討
- Day 2 - PushCampus:校園訊息推播的構想與其商業模型
- Day 3 - LoserCaca:魯蛇改造計畫
- Day 4 - InstaCast:業餘表演人的直播平台
- Day 5 - IdeaSeed:創業想法發想與合作之平台(後來我將它實作出來並架設在此)
Ducky - Chat Robot (諮商機器鴨)
一個讓人想使用的東西分很多種,可能因為它解決了某些問題,也可能是因為它帶來好處。但不論如何,最需要解決的是那些讓人痛苦難受的問題。其中,身邊有很多朋友會遇到心理上的難處,而程度上已經需要醫療的幫助,然而往往沒有方便的管道即時提供幫助。於是,我參考Eliza演算法,實作一個中文版本的諮商機器鴨架設在Facebook Messenger上頭,讓人無時無刻都可以跟牠聊天。
可惜是這仍有很大的進步空間,個人認為應當先讓既有平台如張老師專線先加入Facebook Messenger或LINE管道以協助到更多人,而自動化部分則應該慢慢研究後實現,至於這隻機器鴨希望能扮演拋磚引玉的角色。
常常想找某地區的咖啡廳,卻不知道用什麼找嗎?現今方法中,Google Map不能看出咖啡廳是否提供插座與Wifi等等,而部落客的資料則是很分散不容易快速查詢,於是PinCafe就扮演了解決此問題的角色。
一年的時間,要經營一個長久的事業會稍嫌不適合,於是我選擇大量的學習並實作,同時試驗各種不同型態的程式想法,也期待這些作品在往後有人會感興趣然後進一步共同經營。當兵的最後幾個月我則在暑修CMU的Introduction to Computer System,複習與練習系統底層程式。
當然一年間能發生的事情不只是這些,而不論生活中我們能決定的部分有多少,我們都能選擇自己在意的事情與想走的方向。記得去年在美國UIUC聽歌手王大文的小型演講,他說:”Your life is like a story. And, make sure you are the one who’s holding the pen.” 共勉。
Saturday, April 23, 2016
高中社團,師大附中的工業技術研究社,是我開始接觸寫程式的起點。高一的第一個學期,週五的社團課學長教我們在Linux上面寫C語言,第一次教if/else、第二次則用while/for排列一些圖案,而記得當時為了把輾轉相除法寫好,留到很晚肚子很餓,但從那時候開始我知道自己對於寫程式有很大的興趣,想一直學下去。「做一個強一點的科展作品」像是被洗腦一樣,我的腦中被學長灌輸了這個想法。於是這變成我高中三年的故事主軸:我做了一台自動對發票機器。其中運用OpenCV做客製化的影像處理流程、SVM/PCA等算法做一個自己的Machine Learning分類器、Arduino加上伺服馬達等做成的機械手臂去翻發票。那時候一心只想把東西做好,一改再改,直到比賽時候已經第七還是第八版了。最後,這作品拿了三個全國第一名:全國科展、國際科展Intel特別獎、旺宏科學獎金牌。
那時,我萌生出國念書的念頭,只是不論自己或家裡也不知道要怎麼弄,相對來說,眼前穩定的升學方法是很清楚的。知道自己會念交大資工這件事情大概不會有變數了,我利用升大學前這個較長暑假,去Stanford參加Summer College。他是需要經過申請並核准的,申請內容包含在校成績與essay等,好處是當時他不需要托福成績。於是,我就一人飛了過去,住在Standord一個夏天,並開心的修著Stanford的正課,我也紀錄了那時的點滴。出國的眼界開了之後,讓我往後想繼續出國念書的想法只剩越長越大的趨向。
第一天到達CMU的時候氣溫是零下20幾度,開啟一個自己跟自己對話的一段時間之後,漸漸認識朋友,不論是大家的個性、文化、想法都無形中變成我的一部份。半年間,我仍持續寫部落格紀錄,最終這些故事編成一本書,課程心得分享得到大家的喜歡,而一系列文章中,最後一篇我寫了 ”Thanks for being here, it’s the end of my trip, but not my life story.”
大四初,當所有人在推甄申請時候,我也不例外,我投了台大資工碩士班。是的,還是沒有上,我的猜測是因為我的成績並非最頂尖的那一小群。於是,我選擇去當兵,並利用這段時間,讓我終於可以認真的去申請美國的碩士。相對於台灣的推甄申請,申請美國學校麻煩許多。其中包含托福/GRE考試、Statement of Purpose文章、履歷、繁雜的表單、推薦信等,而為了讓考試成績達到好一點的狀況,我和幾位在準備的朋友都考了不少次,文章也請人幫忙潤飾。從一開始大約50幾間的學校篩選出十幾個感興趣的系,然後花幾個月的時間慢慢把所有需要的流程處理完。
「只在意成績」是很強的用詞,然而我覺得不為過,沒有100%也大約有95%以成績為衡量標準,於是乎,成績沒有屬於前5%的人並沒有其他方式去表現自己,直接不列入思考。對於這個議題似乎已經是多年命題,不好,但也有好。成績為標準能守護最高的公平性,但喪失其他層面的價值,如一個人的態度與想法。而在申請美國學校的開始,人會常問「所以GRE要到320分嗎?」、「我推薦信很好能不能取代托福的爛成績?」之類的問題,然而他們沒有一個絕對的答案,學校會對每一個人整體的了解後去判斷是否合適就讀,於是大家開始注重每一個層面的表現,除了成績,還有英文能力、工作經驗、自我了解(才可以寫出有說服力的Statement of Purpose)、學術成就與課外表現等。
從高中開始,我一直都很喜歡寫程式,並期許自己的東西能幫助到人。申請學校這件事情固然重要,但是記得,自己有沒有持續做想做的事情更是重要,而眾人常說「堅持到最後,你會追到你要的」,我則不這麼認為。堅持到最後,是對自己的負責,而從來沒有人保證你最終能獲得什麼,如果真獲得了,我們要感謝運氣。Monday, April 18, 2016
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
As always, I like staying in a minimal environment, which covers from my physical environment to my presonal plans. While I was trying to find any book relating to the minimalism, I found this book, “The life-changing magic of tidying up”, with really high rating on Amazon. Therefore, I read it.
I can think of no greater happiness in life than to be surrounded only by the things I love. How about you? All you need to do is to get rid of anything that doesn’t touch your heart. There is no simpler way to contentment. What else could this be called but “the magic of tidying”.
The book is about a method for tidying designed by her: the KonMari Method. She suggested that we should only tidy once a while instead of cleaning the place regularly. And, she also mentioned that we should discard all the things that don’t “spark your joy” by touching the item and feeling it. Last, by having only small amount of items, it’s easy to store things in your eyesight, and be surrounded by only the things you like.
Tidying in the end is just a physical act. The work involved can be broadly divided into two kinds: deciding whether or not to dispose of something and deciding where to put it.
Books you have read have already been experienced ad their content is inside you, even if you don’t remember. So when deciding which books to keep, forget about whether you think you’ll read it again or whether you’ve mastered what’s inside.
My basic principle for sorting papers is to throw them all away. I recommend you dispose of anything that does not fall into one of three categories: currently in use, needed for a limited period of time, or must be kept indefinitely.
There are three approaches we can take toward our possessions: face them now, face them sometime, or avoid them until the day we die. The choice is ours. But I personally believe it is far better to face them now. If we acknowledge our attachment to the past and our fears for the future by honestly looking at our possessions, we will be able to see what is really important to us.
The method in the book tells me the occasion of tidying, and the order of tidying different items. However, most of the content is about encourging the reader to discard things. The author believes that most of the things should be discarded, and that’s the key to have a tidy place with stuffs that you truly love.
I am not sure how this idea can be applied into my life, but it’s definitely a way to obtain a minimal lifestyle.
Friday, March 25, 2016
The Shallow
The Net seizes our attention only to scatter it.“How do users read on the web?” he asked then. His succinct answer: “They don’t.”
The book, “The Shallow”, raises a common problem we all suffer nowadays: “we lost our deep reading ability.” The author studied on this issue from different aspects, which provides enough knownledge for us to understand why this happens. Although the book may not mention any specific solution, we can deal with it by bring up our own self-awareness for the first step.
In this post, I am sharing three different clips from the book. And, I think, they all answered some question in today’s tech world by descibing accurate insights.
After AlphaGo won the Korean player, some people started to worried that the robots will take over the world. Some medias spreaded out articles with scary titles saying the robots may not be controllable in the near future. However, I totally disagree with these ideas, which I think they are barely based on the lack of knownledge. AI or robots are still machines, which do whatever we ask them to do, and they will never going to do “something out of control” if we don’t ask them to do so. It’s common and nature that people put emotions into the machine, but the machine eventually is still the machine. I believe, the way to build a real AI with its own emotion, mind, etc is to fully understand the human brain from Biological aspect. There’s the clip from the book that shares the same idea as mine.The first academic conference dedicated to the pursuit of artificial intelligence was held back in the summer of 1956 - on the Dartmouth campus - and it seemed obvious at the time that computers would soon be able to replicated human thought. The mathematicians and engineers who convened the month-long conclave sensed that, as they wrote in a statement,“ every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can in principle be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it.” It was just a matter of writing the right programs, of rendering the conscious processes of the mind into the steps of algorithms. But despite years of subsequent effort, the workings of human intelligence have eluded precise description. In the half century since the Dartmouth conference, computers have advanced at lightning speed, yet they remain, in human terms, as dumb as stumps. Out “thinking” machines still don’t have the slightest idea what they’re thinking. Lewis Mumford’s observation that “no computer can make a new symbol out of its own resources” remains as true today as when he said it in 1967.
But the AI advocates haven’t given up. They’ve just shifted their focus. They’ve largely abandoned the goal of writing software programs that replicate human learning and other explicit features of intelligence. Instead, they’re trying to duplicate, in the circuitry of a computer, the electrical signals that buzz among the brain’s billions of neurons, in the belief that intelligence will then “emerge” from the machine as the mind emerges from the physical brain. If you can get the “overall computation” right, as Page said, then the algorithms of intelligence will write themselves. In a 1996 essay on the legacy of Kubrick’s 2001, the inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil argued that once we’re able to scan a brain in sufficient detail to “ascertain the architecture of interneuronal connections in different regions,” we’ll be able to “design simulated neural nets that will operate in a similar fashion.” Although “we can’t yet build a brain like HAL’s,” Kurzweil concluded, “we can describe right now how we could do it.”
There’s little reasons to believe that this new approach to incubating an intelligent machine will prove any more fruitful than the old one. It, too, is built on reductive assumptions. It takes for granted that the brain operates according to the same formal mathematical rules as a computer does - that, in other words, the brain and the computer speak the same language. But that’s a fallacy born of our desire to explain phenomena we don’t understand in terms we do understand. John von Neumann himself warned against falling victim to this fallacy. “When we talk about mathematics,” he wrote toward the end of his life, “we may be discussing a secondary nervous system.” Whatever the nervous system’s language may be, “ it cannot fail to differ considerably from what we consciously and explicitly consider as mathematics.”
Modern Brain
Although I’ve spent lots of time on studying, my ability of memorizing things isn’t increased for years. I started to think that “do we really need to memorize things if there’s Internet?” The following clip from the book nicely explains the reason why people lose their momerizing skills.What determines what we remember and what we forget? The key to memory consolidation is attentiveness. Storing explicit memories and, equally important, forming connections between them requires strong mental concentration, amplified by repetition or by intense intellectual or emotional engagement. The sharper the attention, the sharper the memory. “For a memory to persist,” writes Kandel, “the incoming information must be thoroughly and deeply processed. This is accomplished by attending to the information and associating it meaningfully and systematically with knowledge already well established in memory.” If we’re unable to attend to the information in our working memory, the information lasts only as long as the neurons that hold it maintain their electric charge - a few seconds at best. Then it’s gone, leaving little or no trace in the mind.
Attention may seem ethereal - a “ghost inside the head,” as the developmental psychologist Bruce MacCandliss says - but it’s a genuine physical state, and it produces material effects throughout the brain. Recent experiments wit mice indicate that the act of paying attention to an idea or an experience sets off a chain reaction that crisscrosses the brain. Conscious attention begins in the frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex, with the imposition of top-down, executive control overt the mind’s focus. The establishment of attention leads the neurons of the cortex to send signals to neurons in the midbrain that produce the powerful neurotransmitter dopamine. The axons of these neurons reach all the way into the hippocampus, providing a distribution channel for the neurotransmitter. Once the dopamine is funneled into the synapses of the hippocampus, it jump-starts the consolidation of explicit memory, probably by activating genes that spur the synthesis of new proteins.
The influx of competing messages that we receive whenever we go online not only overloads our working memory; it makes it much harder for our frontal lobes to concentrate our attention on any one thing. The process of memory consolidation can’t even get started. And, thanks once again to the plasticity of our neuronal pathways, the more we use the Web, the more we train our brain to be distracted - the process information very quickly and very efficiently but without sustained attention. The helps explain why many of us find it hard to concentrate even when we’re aways from out computers. Our brains become adept tat forgetting, inept at remembering. Our growing dependence on the Web’s information stores may in fact be the product of a self-perpetuating, self amplifying loop. As our use of the Web makes it harder for us to lock information into our biological memory, we’re forced to rely more and more on the Net’s capacious and easily searchable artificial memory, even if it makes us shallower thinkers.
Why CLI (Command Line Interface)
When I code, I prefer using CLI, the command line interface. The reason behind is that CLI brings me a clearer view of the whole system. The author mentioned that helpful interfaces aren’t always benefits the users, which is the part I would like to refer to the comparison between CLI and GUI.In the early stages of solving the puzzle, the group using the helpful software made correct moves more quickly that the other group, as would be expected. But as the test proceeded, the proficiency of the members of the group using the blare-bones software increased more rapidly. In the end, those using the unhelpful program were able to solve the puzzle more quickly and with fewer wrong moves. They also reach fewer impasses - states in which no further moves were possible - than did the people using the helpful software. The findings indicated, as van Nimwegen reported, that those using the unhelpful software were better able to plan ahead and lot strategy, while those using the helpful software tended to rely on simple trial and error. Often, in fact, those with the helpful software were found “to aimlessly click around” as they tried to crack the puzzle.
Eight months after the experiment, van Nimwegen reassembled the groups and had them again work on the colored-balls puzzle as well as a variation on it. He found that the people who had originally used the unhelpful software able to solve the puzzles nearly twice as fast as those who had used the helpful software. In another test, he had a different set of volunteers use ordinary calendar software to schedule a complicated series of meetings involving overlapping groups of people. Once again, one group used helpful software that provided lots of on-screen cues, and another group used unhelpful software. The results were the same. The subjects using the unhelpful program “solved the problems with fewer superfluous moves and in a more straightforward manner,” and the demonstrated greater “plan-based behavior” and “smarter solution paths.”
In his report on the research, van Nimwegen emphasized that he controlled for variations in the participants’ fundamental cognitive skills. It was the differences in the design of the software that explained the differences in performance and learning. The subjects using the bare-bones software consistently demonstrated “more focus, more direct and economical solutions, better strategies, and better imprinting of knowledge.” The more that people depended on explicit guidance from software programs, the less engaged they were in the task and the less they ended up learning. The findings indicate, van Nimwegen concluded, that as we “externalize” problem solving and other cognitive chores to our computers, we reduce our brain’s ability “to build stable knowledge structures” - schemas, in other words - that can later “be applied in new situations.” A polemicist might put it more pointedly: The brighter the software, the dimmer the user.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Use Unconscious Thoughts for Complex Problems (Paper Reading Note)
While I was reading “The Shallow”: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, one paper was mentioned. As it suggests that unconscious thoughts offer better decision on complex problem, I am curious about it. Here is my study note of the paper, “Think Different: The Merits of Unconscious Thought in Preference Development and Decision Making”.
Conclusion: unconscious is good at making complex decisions.
- The problem is that it feels wrong to make such an important decision so quickly.
- Both conscious and unconscious systems can be very fast, slow, smart, or stupid. It all depends on what they are asked to do.
- One needs enough processing capacity to deal with large amount of information, and one needs skills sophisticated enough to integrate information in a meaningful and accurate way.
Processing Capacity
- Maximum amount of information thatch be kept under conscious scrutiny at any given time is about seven units (4060 bits per second), which is low.
- The capacity of the entire human system is about 11,200,000 bits (including visual system, etc).
- More elaborate, normative strategies only work well when all information is taken into account.
The Skills to Think
- That is the integration of information in a meaningful way.
- Consciousness may suffer from a power cut when too much pressure is put on its limited capacity, but as long as its capacity is enough to deal with a particular problem, it is likely to be a good thinker.
- Researchers have long recognized the importance of incubation, the process whereby a problem is consciously ignored for a while, after which the unconscious offers a solution.
- We put things to rest for a while and then suddenly, “Bing,” we feel we know it.
- Not thinking about a problem for a while may lead people to forget wrong heuristics or inappropriate strategies in general.
- Successive guesses converged, and the unconscious seemed to be closing in on the right answer quite a while before the answer was accessible to consciousness.
- A brief period of unconscious thought will lead to a better decision relative conditions under which unconscious thought is prevented.
- When making complex decisions, conscious thought is inferior relative to unconscious thought.
- Experiment 13: proofing that unconscious thinking provides better decision in some cases; experiment 45: testing the reason behind
Polarization Hypothesis
- Distraction can lead to the change of a “mental set”, so, the role of the unconscious is proposed to be passive: putting a problem aside for a while allows for a fresh, unbiased new start.
- Look into different options.
Clustering Hypothesis
- Unconscious thought is expected to turn an initial, disorganized set of information into a clearer and more integrated representation of information in memory.
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
The Hook Model
The book, “Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products”, is one of my favorites as it provides a well-structured model in building something people addict to. Impressively, for me, it pointed out the problems I had faced while building new things, and explained reasons behind.This post is my study note of reading the book.
Why Habit
Habits are “behaviors done with little or no conscious thought”. By forming a habit for users in using the product, the company can gain following benefits:- increasing customer lifetime value (CLTV)
- providing pricing flexibility
- supercharging growth: people are more likely to share
- sharpening the competitive edge: products that change customer routines are less susceptible to attacks from other companies
Habit Zone
- frequency: how often the user us the product
- preceived utility: how useful and rewarding the behavior is in the user’s minde over alternative solutions
“Are you building a vitamin or painkiller?”
Answer: “Successful products or services seem at first to be offering nice-to-have vitamins, but once the habit is established, they provide an ongoing pain remedy.”Notice: not all the products or services need to form habits, ex. insurance products.
1. Trigger
External triggers are embedded with information which tells the user what to do next.- paid triggers: advertising / search engine marketing (habit-forming companies tend not to rely on paid triggers for very long)
- earned triggers: favorable press mentions, hot viral videos, and featured app store placement (require investment in the form of time spent on public and media relations)
- relationship triggers: one person telling others about a product or serivce (a highly effective external trigger for action)
- owned triggers: app icon, email newsletter, subscribe (prmopt repeat engagement until a habit is formed)
Internal triggers are attached to existing behaviors and emotions.- when users form habits, they are cued by internal triggers
- designer must know their user’s internal trigger (the pain they seek to solve)
- “we often think the Internet enables you to do new things, but people just want to do the same things they’ve always done.”
- what people say they want (declared preferences) are far from what they actually do (revealed preferences).
- “user narratives”: “5 Whys Method” (keep asking whys)
- negative emotions frequently serve as internal triggers
2. Action
The Fogg Behavior Model
- [M] motivation: the energy for action (seek pleasure or avoid pain), and the right motivators create action by offering the promise of desirable outcomes
- [A] ability: simply start removing steps until you reach the simplest possible process
- [T] Trigger: mentioned above
Ease / Simple
Influence simplicity:- time
- money
- physical
- brain cycles
- social deviance (how accepted the behavior is by others)
- non-routine (how much the action matches or disrupts existing routines)
- logging in with facebook
- sharing with the twitter button
- searching with google
- taking photos with the apple iphone
- scrolling with pinterest
Brain Biases (Heuristics and Perceptions)
Heuristics are shortcuts we take to make quick decisions.- the scarcity effect: the appearance of scarcity affected their perception of value (“n items left” tags on Amazon)
- the framing effect: the mind takes shortcuts informed by our surrounding to make quick and sometines erroneous judgments (ex. famous violin player at subway)
- the anchoring effect: people often anchor to one piece of information when making a decision (buy more not always cheaper)
- the endowed progress effect (profile strength interface on Stack Overflow)
3. Variable Award
Without variability, we are like children in that once we figure out what will happen next, we become less excited by the experience.Many habit forming products offer multiple types of variable rewards:
Type: The Tribe
“Fueled by connectedness with other people”Our brains are adapted to seek rewards that make us feel accepted, attractive, important, and included.
- Facebook like / comment / share
- Stack Overflow: contributing to a community (no one knows how many will be received from the community when responding to a question)
Type: The Hunt
“The search for material resources and information”The need to acquire physical objects, such as food and other supplies that aid our survival, is part of our brain’s operating system.
- machine gambling
- Twitter (users scroll and scroll and scroll to search for variable rewards in the form of relevant tweets)
- Pinterest (cut-off pictures at bottom)
Type: The Self
“The search for intrinsic rewaords of mastery, competence, and completion”Their self-determination theory espouses that people desire, among other things, to gain a sense of competency (peosonal form of gratification).
- video games: master the skills, desire for competency by showing progression and completion
- email: mastery, completion, and competence moves users to habitual and sometimes mindless actions
Important Considerations
Variable Rewards Are Not a Free Pass
Mahalo.com: found that people didn’t want to use a Q&A site to make money; however, Quora: social rewards work.Only by understanding what truly matters to users can a company correctly match the right variable rewrds to their intended behavior.
Maintain a Sense of Autonomy
“But you are free to accept or refuse”- If failed: Reactance, the hair-trigger response to threats to your autonomy.
- Too many companies build their products betting users will do what they make them do instead of letting them do what they want to do.
- Companies that successfully change behaviors present users with an implicit choise between their old way of doing things and a new, more convenient way to fulfill existing needs
Beware of Finite Variability
“Predictable after use”Experiences with finit variability become less engaging because they eventually become predictable.
- FarmVille: CityVille, ChefVille, FrontierVille, … failed (new games were not really new at all)
4. Investment
The more users invest (time, data, effort, social capital, money, etc.) into a product or service, the more they value it. The reasons are:- we irrationally value our efforts (IKEA effect: people tend to like things they build on their own)
- we seek to be consistent with our past behavior
- we avoid cognitive dissonance
Storing Value
- content: memories and experiences, ex. itunes collection
- data: information generated, collected, created by users, ex. songs, photos, news clippings
- followers: ex. Twitter
- reputation: monetizable, ex. vender reputation on eBay, TaskRabbit, Yelp, Airbnb, etc
- skill: once users have invested the effort to acquire a skill, they are less likely to switch to a competing product, ex. photoshop
Loading the next trigger
Habit-forming technologies leverage the user’s past behavior to initiate an external trigger in the future (reengage the user).The Morality of Manipulation
Instead of asking “can I hook my users?”, we should ask: “should I attempt to?”The Facilitator
Healthy habit.“If you find yourself squiming as you ask yourself these queations or need to qualify or justify your answers, stop! you failed.”
In building a habit for a user other than you, you can not consider yourself a facilitator unless you have experienced the problem firsthand.
“Build the change they want to see in the world”
The Peddler
Altruistic.“Would I actually find this useful?” the answer to this uncomfortable question is nearly always no, so they twist their thing until they caan image a user they believe might find the ad valuable.
Peddlers tend to lack the empathy and insights needed to create something users truly want.
Often the peddler’s project results in a time-wasting failure because the designers did not fully understand their users.
Beware of the hubris and inauthenticity
The Entertainer
Art is often fleeting; products that form habits around entertainment tend to fade quickly from users’ lives.Entertainment is a hits-driven business because the brain reacts to stimulus by wanting more and more of it ever hungry for continuous novelty.
The Dealer
The only reason the designer is hooking users is to make a buck.Ex. casinos and drug dealers.
Habit Testing (Existing Products)
Building a habit-forming product is an iterative process and requires user-behavior analysis and continuous experimentation.Step 1: Identify
Dig into the data to identify how people are using the product.“Who are the product’s bahitual users?” (the more frequently your product is used, the more likely it is to form a user habit)
Don’t come up with an overly aggressive prediction.
Step 2: Codify
Codify these findings in search of habitual users to generate new hypotheses, study the actions and paths taken by devoted users.You are looking for a Habit Path - a series of similar actions shared by our most loyal users.
Step 3: Modify
Modify the product to influence more users to follow the same path as your habitual users, and then evaluate results and coninue to modify as needed.Discovering Habit-forming Opportunities
Creating a product the designer uses and believes materially improves people’s lives increases the odds of delivering something people want. Pual Graham advises entrepreneurs to leave the sexy-sounding business ideas behind and instead build for their own needs: “Instead of asking ‘what problem should I solve?’ ask ‘what problem do I wish someone else would solve for me?’”Enabling technologies
Wherever new technogolies suddenly make a behavior easier, new possibilities are born.Interface Change
Many companies have found success in driving new bahit formation by identifying how changing user interactions can create new routines.“Live in the future”: Google Glass, Oculus Rift, Pebble watch, etc.
Some nice or interesting sentences I found in the book:- Viral cycle time is the amount of time takes a user to invite another user, and it can have a messive impact
- If you only build for fame or fortune, you will likely find neither. Build for meaning, though, and you can’t go wrong.
- There’s a pain for the fear of missing out (FOMO).
- 26 percent of mobile apps in 2010 were downloaded and used only once.
- Behaviors are LIFO - “last in, first out.”
My Own Thoughts
1. Timing
In the last chapter of the book, the author suggest that we should keep eyes on emerging technologies and seek oppertunities. This remind me a TED Talk, “Bill Gross: The single biggest reason why startups succeed”, where the speaker claimed “timing” is the most important factor of a successful startup company. Both of them hold the same view on believing “timing” is the key of a successful startup.2. Facilitator for All Team Members?
An interesting question popped up while I was reading the manipulation matrix part. The author suggested that it’s better to work as facilitator, so the maker himself/herself will have a deeper understanding of the product.However, in real experiences, this might hold true only in the beginning - when there’s only one person on the team. As the project grows, people join into the team, and it’s impossible that everyone suffers from original problem that the team is trying to solve. That is, an designer of a video game startup company doesn’t have to like playing video games.
So, I raised the confliction I found here to one of my friends. She replied that, in a product group, some are facilitators while some are peddlers. For those peddlers, it’s okay that they haven’t experienced the problem the group is trying to solve as long as they agree with the team. That is, the point is whether the team has a same milestone instead of all being facilitators.
Monday, November 16, 2015
接著可能出現以下幾種方式- 網路上找資料
- 書店買書
- 找課來上
- 問會寫網頁的朋友
上Google或Product Hunt找好的網頁教學平台分享
2015年夏天,我在高中社團教學弟妹寫網頁,當時的教材在這個連結裡,因為是連續五天的Workshop,原本的Syllabus裡想要介紹到後端Node.js,然而實際上就只有教了HTML/CSS + JS,其中細節也被我略過很多。可見我也低估了學習網頁的難度。困難點
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
[CMU V.S. 交大] - 學期末修課心得
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Network Security 期末海報展覽 |
Principles of Software Construction: Objects, Design, and Concurrency
這堂課仍一直是以作業考試為主的,課程目標是讓我們從較高角度但兼具實作的方式學習各種中大型程式的設計與需要用到的技巧,以下是學期後半段的作業以及簡介:- Scrabble:撰寫一個Scrabble遊戲(二維拼字遊戲),需要有介面並有好的設計以面對之後的擴充功能。其中有運用到多種Design Pattern,寫程式之前需先繪製程式設計圖跟助教討論
- Socail Network Analytics: 這份是需組隊的作業,我與一個印度同學合作,需撰寫出一個可以針對各種Social Network裡的數據分析並製圖的程式。困難之處在於作業要求的是一個Framework,需要讓使用者可以自由加上不同Plugin的架構(例如,Facebook Plugin、Github Plugin),於是程式彈性是很高的,支援各種用途。這份作業分成三大部分,第一部分是把設計圖提出在助教課上報告;第二部分則是撰寫程式,包含Framework與數個Plugin;最後一部分是寫Plugin裝在其他組的Framework上頭
- MapReduce:這是一個分散式系統中運算資料的方式,而作業需寫出數個Server跟Client同時跑以模擬一份運算怎麼在多台機器上頭分工後完成
Web Application Development
學期中我們作業是完成一個社交網站,其中功能包含註冊、Email確認信、登入、留言、上傳相片與即時更新等,最後再把網頁放到雲端服務上,我的做起來像是這樣。接下來的時間我們都分組完成一份Project,過程中有很多的次的進度報告,是在一個小會議室中跟助教還有一些其他同學報告、聽取建議。我們做的是Bug Killer,概念如StackOverflow讓人可以發問Bug與回答Bug,不同之處在於我們加上點數的功能,於是使用者發問Bug需要付出點數、回答問題則可以得到點數,且點數是可以用實際金錢買的,最終的作品放在這裡。
Network Security
Advanced Web Design
這堂課總共有四份作業,最後另外有一個分組Project,且有一個共同展示成品的時間。我們做的作品叫做Tmate,靈感來自於我們發現設計師與工程師這兩個族群通常有各自的社交圈,彼此之間的交集並不多,然而以一個完整作品的角度而言,這兩個社交圈若能彼此認識是很好的,於是Tmate讓設計師與工程師可以登記自己的頁面、彼此認識,並可以依照專長搜尋。成品在這裡,是同時支援各種螢幕大小的。![]() |
Tmate網站支援多種螢幕大小 |
交大修課的期末Project規模與完整度較小:發現在CMU同學們投入在期末Project的精力頗大,每個所做出來的東西完整度或規模,都是我先前在交大不曾做過的,而我這兒遇到的人大家都努力堅持到最後、不斷的修正問題直到最後一刻。交大在專業工具上的使用上較少:如網頁設計的課,與設計師隊友使用Git同步程式碼省下大量的時間跟開發問題;Network Security的Project中我們使用LaTeX寫最終的報告,在架構與可讀性上增加許多。
有趣的是,在CMU這段時間裡,我學到最有用的知識其實並不是來自課堂,主要以下幾項值得分享:- VIM/zsh:從高一用VIM到現在我始終很難找到同好,甚至推銷總是失敗;然而在這兒我參加CMU電腦社團的講座,講者分享他的VIM用方式,以及很多我不曾知道的使用方法跟Plugin,讓我的往後打程式的效率又更進一步(這裡有他當時的筆記)
- LaTeX:一樣是我以前接觸過但不曾學起來的東西之一,在先前的環境裡並沒有遇到其他人在使用LaTeX,而在CMU一位好朋友很喜歡LaTeX,跟她學了很多,現在我也能自己寫不少LaTeX的文件了!
- Git:又是一樣的,過去我自己會使用版本管理系統,但是同學們之間並不使用,所以在這兒讓我有機會可以體驗Git在多人同時開發時候是如何的、又有什麼問題需要注意的
網頁設計的Project我們在展示的前一天在圖書館通宵趕工,隔週週末我們一起去動物園玩;Network Security的Project我們合作間不時會吵架,但最終得了第二名,隊友們感情很好我們更曾一起去華盛頓玩;Principles of Software Construction分組作業的印度隊友則跟我一樣喜歡貼貼紙在電腦上,於是我們互送了很多貼紙;而Web Application的隊友則是我這段時間最好最好的朋友,我們總是一起唸書。於是乎,在不同學校交換的過程中,最重要的是遇見什麼人,而大家彼此之間的態度又是如何。所學的知識固然珍貴,但會讓我難忘而永存的是這裡遇到的每一個人,以及我們如何互相對待彼此。誠心待人、遇到問題直問、專注並投入在自己的學習上是這回交換日子裡我學習到的態度,讓自己保有這樣的態度是不需要跑到地球另一端、也不需要花錢的。
* 關於交換過程更多的生活點滴:http://cmu.heron.me/
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Heron at CMU |
Sunday, February 22, 2015
[CMU v.s. 交大] - 學期中修課心得
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晚上在學校自習 |
在Carnegie Mellon University交換的日子已經邁入期中,我所修的其中一門課考完了期中考,其餘的則有Project在進行中。與學期初修課心得的想法的是一樣:希望把我所見所聞跟更多人分享。在CMU要同時兼顧課業、社交活動與睡覺實在很困難,而我近日的時間安排則是:
- 早上:寫作業、準備當日上課需要的閱讀
- 下午:上課或討論Project
- 晚上:參與活動或與同學討論作業
- 深夜:繼續寫作業
Principles of Software Construction: Objects, Design, and Concurrency
這是CS二年級的課,但我在課程中認識的人大部份都已經是研究生了。內容以比較高角度的方式看寫程式的架構與設計,講述抽象的程式設計概念(Design Pattern)並學習畫UML圖(例如程式流程圖、物件關係圖等)。這堂課每週都有作業,也是我起先花最多時間寫作業的一門課,使用Java:
- 第一週作業:用BFS找出朋友關係圖中,兩個朋友的距離
- 第二週作業:用Dijkstra's Algorithm找最短路徑
- 使用匹茲堡真實的公車路線資料,規劃使用者如何從A站搭車到B站(如同Google Map的路線規劃)
- 需要寫Java的UnitTest達到100% line coverage(就是每一行自己寫的程式碼都要寫出對應的測試程式)
- 通過CheckStyle(即Java程式碼中的排版需要符合規定,並且有標準完整的註解)
- 第三週作業:模擬匹茲堡城市中的公車與搭車情況
- 練習中型規模的程式如何設計,作業中車子、車站與乘客之間有多種相互關係
- 模擬各種細節情況,如:10%的人若是搭輪椅延後上下車時間,影響全部公車是否準時到達的比例是多少
- 使用多種課程學到的設計概念
- 交大程式教學重視語法跟完成度,但幾乎不管設計想法:我記得在交大第一堂C語言的課在教不同資料型態的語法;而在Stanford學習第一堂CS課程時候,教授刻意在前期都不講語法,而透過包裝好的教材(Stanford Karel)學習從較抽象的角度開始思考程式。同時,在交大多數助教並不會看每位同學的程式碼,但在CMU連變數名稱取不夠好都會被寫盡評分的回覆裡。
- 交大程式課程沒有涵蓋「測試」:從這門課的要求中可以看出寫測試碼佔很重要的比重,每寫一小段程式碼就必須寫一段對應的Unit Test測試碼。
Web Application Development
- 第一週作業:用CSS/HTML繪製出一個計算機
- 第二週作業:讓計算機會動(我的做起來像這樣)
- 第三週作業:讓計算機在Django上跑
- 第四~第六週作業:寫一個社交網站,可以註冊、登入、留言、評論與追蹤等
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作業是做一個類似於Facebook的社交網站 |
- 交大的網路應用程式設計並沒跟上時代,多數同學都是自學:應用程式在交大的重視度較小,而網路應用程式則被包含在資料庫這門課底下,使用PHP;雖然PHP不失一種易學習的語言,但有較完整架構的Django或ROR並沒有課程在教,而CMU這裡則是已經從Java換到熱門的Django架構(今年)。
Network Security
- 每次上課前閱讀一至兩份論文
- 作業一份:寫防火牆
- Project討論
- 交大要求的閱讀並不多:雖然許多課程都有買教科書,但是會閱讀完的同學並不多,我認為與學習環境的關係最大,如果多加些閱讀的作業會有幫助。
- 交大課堂產學合作較少:如這堂課我們組選定主題之後,老師找了一位微軟的研究員與我們共同進行,所以可以使用到微軟的資源,最重要的是研究內容可以使用真實在運作的服務,而非只是實驗室內的小模擬。
Advanced Web Design
- 交大修課其實是很輕鬆的
- 交大作業期限通常是兩週以上,而CMU作業大部份是每週一份,且都滿大份的。
- 交大上課同學打混比較多,在CMU多數人都很專注,且積極問問題,特別是Design Pattern那門課,如果錯過一些概念就會跟不上。
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CMU的資工系大樓,比爾蓋茲所建 |
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
[CMU v.s. 交大] - 學期初修課心得
在Carnegie Mellon University交換過了快兩週,選課差不多都確定了,而部分課程的第一次作業也交了;這回交換的機會主要是透過交通大學協助的,而學校除了把學生送出國,也期望能把所見所聞帶回來分享,所以寫了這篇文章。- Computer Science世界排名第一(2010年華爾街日報)
- 校園人數約6000人,一屆交換生約50人(這屆兩個台灣人)
- 學費是交大的20倍
- Principles of Software Construction: Objects, Design, and Concurrency
- Web Application Development
- Network Security
- Advanced Web Design
- 學生自由發問問題(可匿名),老師、助教或其他同學可回答問題
- 發布公告
- 協助報告分組
Testing & Checkstyle
- CMU與Stanford的Java課程會要求學生寫完整的註解,前者甚至需要符合JavaDoc、跑Checkstyle(檢查code所有細節的工具,包含註解完整性),完成後再寫UnitTest後檢查Test的覆蓋程度(是否每行code的所有情況都被測試過),最後才繳交作業
- CMU與Stanford中與網頁前端有關的課程都會要求要經過Validator測試(檢查語法是否正確),其中包含HTML與CSS
- Rapid Prototyping是一門讓不同領域學生選修、組成小組做作品的課程,我去上前兩堂課,學期中各組必須要設計出解決「客戶」需求的產品,而這學期的客戶則是醫療看護,於是課程中老師視訊了三位照顧病患的人,有病患家屬、護士與研究單位等
- Network Security有期末Project,今天老師才宣布有外部公司提供獎金給比較好的Project
Friday, November 14, 2014
Business Model Canvas的九個欄位
獲利時代(Business Model Generation),大概是第三個人跟我推薦這本書之後,我終於買了它。書中的Business Model Canvas讓我用更完整的方式去看一個專案或產品,以及它與市場的關係,也很想分享這個書中最重要的Business Model Canvas,讓更多人可以一起發想與設計,做出更多人們想要的商品。
Business Model Canvas的九個欄位
A. 目標客層(Customer Segments):要賣給誰?
B. 價值主張(Value Propositions):要賣什麼?
C. 通路(Channels):透過什麼方法賣?
D. 客戶關係(Customer Relationships):跟客戶的互動關係是什麼?
E. 收入(Revenue Streams):賺多少錢?
F. 關鍵資源(Key Resources):我有但別人沒有的東西是什麼?
G. 關鍵活動(Key Activities):為了維持以上東西,需要做什麼?
H. 關鍵合作夥伴(Key Partnerships):夥伴有誰?
I. 成本(Cost Structures):要花多少錢?
Monday, August 4, 2014
Carnegie Mellon University 卡內基美隆大學
- 中文名:卡內基美隆大學
- 英文名:Carnegie Mellon University
- 位置:Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States (美國, 賓州, 匹茲堡)
- 校訓:"My heart is in the work."
- 成立:1900年
- 科技工程學院 Carnegie Institute of Technology
- 藝術學院 College of Fine Arts
- 人文暨社會科學學院 College of Humanities and Social Science
- 工業管理研究所 Graduate School of Industrial Administration
- 公共行政管理學院 H. John Heinz Ⅲ School of Public Policy and Management
- 自然科學學院 Mellon College of Science
- 電腦科學學院 School of Computer Science
- 詹姆斯·高斯林 (James Gosling): Java程式語言發明人
- 安迪·貝托爾斯海姆 (Andy Bechtolsheim): Sun Microsystems共同創辦人
- 吳恩達 (Andrew Ng): Coursera創辦人、參與Google Brain與「百度大腦」計劃
- 交大資工系吳毅成、吳凱強等教授
- 19位諾貝爾得獎者
- 12位Turing Award得獎者
- QS World University Rankings (2014):CS世界4名
- Academic Ranking of World Universities (2013):CS世界6名
- U.S. News & World Report ranks:CS研究所第1名
- 華爾街日報(2011):CS第1名
- The Fence(籬笆):學生用手油漆上一層層東西在籬笆上
- Spring Carnival(春季嘉年華):「Buggy Sweepstakes」是嘉年華的特色,學生把人裝進小的輪車中,看誰在最短時間滑下山坡
- Mobot(機器人比賽)
- [CMU] 卡內基美隆大學 Carnegie Mellon University (CMU):「基本上CMU是個相當適合念書的城市,並沒有太多娛樂」
- Wikipedia - Carnegie Mellon University
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Sunday, June 29, 2014
PLATE點餐系統 開發手札
Part 1 - 開發
Part 2 - 團隊組成
Part 3 - 溝通與定位
Part 4 - 測試
Part 5 - 再溝通
Part 6 - 營運
Part 7 - 謝謝,我學會了
Part 8 - 後記
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
在MIT這樣的行為被稱為Hack,而與我們常聽見的電腦Hack是有一樣精神的,都在有限的資源與環境中,不斷挑戰並創新。較為有名的例子有:1982年,Havard與Yale美式足球比賽中,MIT學生在廣大的球場中地上冒出一顆大氣球寫著MIT;2012年,這群Hackers把MIT Green Buidling變成巨大俄羅斯方塊遊戲機,還可以實際操作玩樂。
Michael Snively在他的部落格中分享了這樣Hack應該遵循的道德標準,我將它翻譯如下:
- 要輕巧的,不要留下證據
- 把東西歸成原樣、或是更好
- 不要造成不可修復的損壞
- 不要偷任何東西,而如果必須借東西,一定要歸還
- 暴力法是最後無能的手段
- 不酗酒再惡作劇
- 不遺漏任何東西
- 不獨自行動
- 以上沒論述者,以常識判斷
- http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6390dae20100gsnn.html
- http://mitadmissions.org/blogs/entry/practice_safe_hacking
- http://www.cbc.ca/strombo/news/these-mit-campus-pranks-are-genius.html
- The Football Balloon: http://www.networkworld.com/article/2223507/security/30-years-later--imagine-if-the-famous-harvard-yale-football-game-balloon-prank-was-tried-th.html
- Michael Snively 文章原文: http://mitadmissions.org/blogs/entry/practice_safe_hacking